Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Politics in Three Dimensions

As the US Senate was passing the "Fail-out" bill, my Twitter network was popping with activity. One user in particular was adamant in his opposition. I can't blame anybody for being pissed off about bailing out a bunch of greed-heads to the tune of $700,000,000,000.00. (I like to write it out so you see how many zeros are in that outrageous number. The pennies are for fun.)

Unlike him, I'm fine with this stupidity. Well, not fine, but I'll take it.

Why? Because it's better than the alternative - a prolonged banking crisis as in the 1930s. Most economists agree that the Great Depression was deepened - not caused, but intensified and prolonged - by an illiquid banking system that was allowed to fester for years without any assistance. I pray that we never see the bank runs that occurred then, and I'm happy to have government programs like the FDIC and an active, engaged Federal Reserve to buffer these kinds of shocks. And that's what the real danger is - a systemic shock that could ripple through the US economy and the wider global economy.

I understand the conservative thinking: let the markets work. But, for my money, that's not good enough. Not by a long shot. These kinds of dicta are great in theory, in debate, even in practice sometimes, but they suck when things are really bad. People who insist on brutal destruction so they can "be right" don't have a place in my world. If that's really what you want out of life, I don't think we can find common cause.

Most practical people recognize the limits of political, economic, religious or any kind of theory. It's great within a certain context, but in times of crisis theory goes out the window. Practical people do whatever is necessary to restore stability and move toward the normal run of things where theories have a value.

So it is to these practical people that I make this appeal.

I ask you to join me in a political movement - already extent, if scattered and confused, even self-defeating - that can transform this nation and return it, in spirit if not in circumstance, to original aims of these United States of America. Let's not deceive ourselves; we are in a crisis. Or more accurately, we are in a set of inter-woven crises. But let's start with the two main problems.

1 - We just increased the national debt to yet even more stratospheric heights. The national debt may actually be in orbit after these last 8 years. We have an enormous amount of work to do to stop the bleeding and pay off our creditors. Anybody still reading would never, EVER let their personal finances get to this point. The dollar is going to go the hell, and that will only make things harder.

2 - Worse, more dangerous, and more entrenched, we are a nation not just divided, but tied. We are a nation that has lost its national unity. We are a people who can no longer discuss, debate, agree to disagree. We are a nation of people who insist on being right, regardless of consequence. And, because there are more or less equal numbers on each side, we are paralyzed.

I take it as given that some version of the Fail-out will pass the House fairly soon and that the 2008 election will put Democrats in the White House and give them majorities in both houses of Congress. While my personal political tendencies are to the left, I don't see either of these leading to any longterm solutions.

That's what I'm after - real solutions that work in the longterm. And, as a practical person, I recognize that these will take time to achieve. So this is no quick-fix, feel good movement. It's grassroots. It's bottom up. It's blood, sweat and tears. Just like the Founders.

This is how I describe foundational concept of this movement: our politics are not left or right. Our politics exist in three dimensions, and it's the vertical axis that is most important. I'll give my tedious, geometric explanation later, but first, Green Living blogger Max Gladwell puts it beautifully in a rare-for-him general politics essay:
Our political compass points neither left nor right, and we can hardly be described as centrists. Our politics is an individual viewpoint grounded in the principles of reason, morality, freedom, capitalist democracy, and the American Constitution. It is libertarian in so far as the free market is the most efficient type of economic system for a free and democratic society; it is liberal in so far as the free market lacks morality and requires government to regulate it accordingly. This is a delicate balance, which tends to skew one way or another when lobbyists and special interests get involved.
(For clarity, Gladwell has never expressed to me a desire to be part of any movement such as I describe. Nor have I asked his permission to quote his essay. Nor has there been any coordination between us. I'm just stealing his explanation 'cuz it's so much clearer than mine. I believe many, many practical people across the political spectrum share a similar belief.)

Now I'll paraphrase my own comment on that essay. Politics is presented traditionally as one dimensional: a line. Some thinkers realize that the left-right distinction is only meaningful relative to the center. As one travels out to either extreme, governance becomes totalitarian. So the horizontal axis is, in fact, a loop and therefore two dimensional. For those who would build this new politics, two dimensions are also insufficient. Our politics incorporate a third dimension - a vertical axis - where the overall quality of the outcome is the paramount factor.

As in that Shriekback song:
Everything that Rises Must Converge
(I just discovered it's also a collection of stories by Flannery O'Connor. Yes, I'm frequently imperfectly informed and happy to learn.)

How would this practical, three-dimensional politics work? Let's take a difficult, complicated issue for study: use of the US military overseas. The current use of US military forces overseas is exactly why the Founders feared a standing army. But it would be irresponsible internationally to suggest that we immediately bring our forces home from areas of conflict, areas of detente or areas of longstanding peace. It would cause a systemic shock to the international security order, such as it is. Further, it would be domestically irresponsible to immediately cut drastically our spending on military procurement. It also would cause a systemic shock.

To my mind, both of these objectives are desirable, but only within a context where the requisite actions would be responsible. To put it in simple terms, I'd like to see the US Army go out of business for lack of work. I think we all would. Is that an achievable reality? Probably not. But we can get a hell of a lot closer to it than we are now.

I think I've used this example for all it's worth in this context. There's lots and lots and lots to say on this topic, but let's not. For now. Suffice it to say, this is a big issue created over a long time, so reversing it will require a big effort over a long time. All our critical issues share these qualities.

In practical terms, these kinds of changes will require a transition so carefully planned and intelligently implemented that it would withstand the inevitable shocks and challenges that would occur over time. To paraphrase Eisenhower, the plan will prove useless, but the planning will be indispensable.

These transitions will last much longer than even a two-term President, so it is unreasonable to think that executive leadership could affect these changes. Rather, they will take a sustained effort over more than a decade at the minimum. This could only be accomplished with a true grassroots movement that could attract and retain members of both, or all parties. This movement would need so strong a base that it could withstand the momentary political fads that will come and go over the many election cycles.

Where is this base? Who are these leaders? Scary questions, but not as scary as this one:

Where will this nation go otherwise?


Jennifer said...

I was also locked out of my very new blog (not even a post yet, just "about me). I'm so anxious to get started, and this is very frustrating. I can't even find a way to contact them (except for the review request, which I've done.) I'd like to ask why, and find out how much time this crazy process takes.

Are you unlocked yet? If so, how long did it take? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and good luck.

Frymaster Speck said...

No, I'm still locked out as of Wednesday afternoon. It's a real incentive to buy a domain and install WordPress.

Jennifer said...

I'm still locked out as well. It's been two days now, and the generic response from "the robots" (I guess) is that this should be resolved before two business days. Guess they are wrong. I can write drafts, but when I try to post them, only the titles and time stamps appear.


Thanks for your response. I actually have a domain, but thought this would be an easier (and cheaper) way to get started. I guess you get what you pay for! I'll be checking out WordPress. Is it a subscription, or software?

Frymaster Speck said...

Wordpress is free software.

Frymaster Speck said...

I got this very helpful comment on the blog where I originally posted this essay. I later realized that I should start a new blog better suited to this conversation. Follow the link. It's a pretty cool graphic that would be a "site view" of the looping spectrum, or the view from above.

I think the shape of the graphic is just to fit the screen.

Thank, Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Here is an example of your two axis political spectrum. Both sides taken to the extreme leads to authoritarianism.

I would argue that the shape shout be thicker on top and thinner on the bottom. That would better represent the majority who reside inside of the two extremes.

Frymaster Speck said...

On second thought, I agree with Anon re: the shape.